Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need some relationship advice?

apparently my husband doesn't love me anymore and thinks that i am a peice of **** when it comes to house cleaning and taking care of baby. which i may not upkeep the house to his standars but i know i am a great mother. maybe it's because i won't let him *** in my mouth after having sex, or maybe he's not grown up yet. apparently his been telling some of his friends that i am a peice of **** to. but that he does love me. if he loves me why is he treating me the way he does? he has 2 dui's and can't drive so i know he's not cheating cause he's here with me 24/7 just about. and apparently i don't live in the real world. what should i do i need some help to tackle this one. i listen to how he feels but he doesn't want to listen to how i feel. he bitches about every little thing that does not get done around the house but he does take care of the bills. please let me know what you think. thanksI need some relationship advice?
Dont take it personally because the problem lies with your husband, not you! Your husband hates himself and takes it out on you. Its pretty much as simple as that.I need some relationship advice?
dump the ahole and don't look back
Two DUI's and YOU are the problem?

Maybe you should treat him with the disrespect HE deserves for putting us all in danger out driving while plowed.

He has relinquished all right to criticise.
ok im having an issue with my husband kinda like this and this is what i do. ok so i tell him we can try it his way(set a time frame) and see if maybe hes right. then as you go if you dont like something tell and explain. he wants you to clean more?? ok ask him to watch the baby all day. if hes bitching non stop its cuz in some way hes unhappy, more than likely its not just the cleaning though. and dont listen to other men. men are just as big as poop disturbers as women. take in he said she said with a grian of salt.
ask him what he wants out of this relationship and tell him you wont be treated like a fool or slagged off to his mates because no one deseves to be spoke about like tht if hes had enough then lifes too short their is someone out there who will love you and treat you just how you want to be treated and as for the house work as long as its clean enough to your standereds then who cares? its hard keeping a house clean and looking after a baby trust i know good luck with this
Well do you work? If not then you have no excuse but to keep up the house. You should want to anyway (with help from him of course). you shouldnt want to live in filth. You just need to do your part and let him do his but the two of you BOTH need to be focused on living right and making teh relationship up to the standards you both wish for. Communication is the best key. Tell him what you want from him but be realisitic, and ask him what he wants out of you (hoping he is realistic and kind) and then the two of you nee to put your all into making the other happy and there you go. Relationships take work.

I have this quote on my fridge at home. I look at it all the time and realize these sayings b/c they are very true.

';No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance..

No one stays in love by chance, it is by work...

And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice';

So its up to you %26amp; him working TOGETHER to make it work-Tell him from your heart how you feel.
Just let him bust it in your teeth. All will be well....

JK, he sounds like a ***khead.
Maybe he feels that you should play housewife since he is paying the bills.Man can't understand how hard it is until they try.

So,change places for a while,ask him to show you how it's done.

Or start working and sharing bills,so you would have equal obligations.Or simple,say you have to go for an urgent visit to someone from your family and let him take care of things for a weak.Trust me,he'll beg for mercy.
I think that it sounds like your husband has NO respect for you. Plus, who is he to cast judgement on ANYTHING that you do given that he has 2 DUI'S and is lying around the house criticizing you? I think he needs to work on HIS issues, and not focus on the so called flaws that you have.

I suggest you think long and hard about what kind of life you want to lead because with the way your husband is treating you, it doesn't sound like it's going to be much of a quality life. You deserve to be treated well and with respect. Not to mention, it's TOTALLY unacceptable for him to say and do the things he has been doing around your child.
Sounds to me like he's mad about not being able to drive and is taking it out on you.

You need to decide how much longer you are going to allow yourself to be treated that way and if you want this to be the example to your child of how married people act. After that, it's up to you to find the strength to follow through on it. Don't just give idle threats or ultimatums unless you intent to carry through.

Good luck.

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