Monday, August 23, 2010

I need some serious relationship advice, anybody help?

i am in some real need of advice and guidance. i am going out with a beautiful girl, she is 18, i 20. the problem is i a jealous person. i really want this relationship to work out because i love her to bits and she loves me but she says she feels trapped and not like an 18 year old.

one of the problems i come to terms with is the fact that she has a lot of guy friends. she visits them often at their houses but i trust her and know she won't do anything, but the guys - i don't trust. today she got out of my car in town and as she was walking down the street every guy must of looked back at her over their shoulders as she passed.

she has given me a last chance to get things figured out in my head. i dont know why i get jealous i just do. is it because i think she will find somebody better? she finished me once for her ex, and then got back with me again. what can i do to save this relationship whilst its on the rocks. please help.

anybody else been in this sort of relationship and had to deal with jealously, how did they overcome it? she has recently moved back to her mums house because she was living with me and my parents. i am just so confused, hurting, and want to get myself sorted out.I need some serious relationship advice, anybody help?
If these guys were her friends before you started dating her, you will need to respect it. And you wouldn't be jealous if you trust her like you say you do. In my last relationship, he had 3 close girl friends, and it was fine, because I trusted he wouldn't cheat on me. That was that.I need some serious relationship advice, anybody help?
I was in a marriage with a man like you. He imagined that guys were always looking at me and when he would imagine it he would beat me. Jealousy will head you in that same direction. The only way you can overcome it is by getting some counceling. No woman wants to be isolated so that she can keep the man in her life from being jealous. You need serious help.
you sound insecure, and you just worry that she is with other guys or being noticed by them because you really care about her and are afraid she will find somebody else. if this is true, then you should tell her this, that the reason you are a jealous person is because you love her so much and dont wanna lose her.
You need to accept the fact that she is not ready for as serious a relationship as you are at this time. Her cheating on you is proof of that.

Either accept her the way she is because she has obviously informed you she isnt going to change, or move on and find someone else.

Good Luck!
well you should give her some space she probably doesnt like that after a while she might evevn lose interest in you kuz ull be all up in her buisness to me girls dont like guys being everywhere so if you back off and give her some space shell get better
I know how you feel bro. I went over a patch like this with my ex-girlfriend. But it was even worse for me because we were long distance so I could only know what she told me. I cant say I blame you to have a bit of jealousy, and she should understand that too. If you don't feel self-confident when she has guy friends over, you should let her know. Stay there with her one of the times. Check up on her. Call her. When you see the guys, make it obvious that SHE IS YOURS. Maybe get to know some of the guys. If it reaaaaaallly reallllly gets sooooooooo bad, you can set up a lil camera in the room and spy on her. [That one was a joke] lol . It's perfectly normal to be jealous. It shows you love her. But if you think sitting down and talking with her will hurt the relationship more .... just for the hell of it invite some of your :';girlfriends'; over. She should notice the problem. And when she makes a fuss, she will understand your point of view. But don't do anything. If she doesn't really care, then move on. I hope both of you care for each other and it isn't any ';one-way-love';.

Since she feels ';trapped'; I guess you could give her some space for a bit until she feels... better?

Hope This Helped xP
You say you trust her and not the other guys...wrong. You just plain dont trust her, and your too insecure in your relationship. If you trust her completely, then you would know in your heart that she would not give in to another man, thus no need to worry about other guys. As a result, you are guarding over her like a yard dog, and this makes her feel trapped. She is not a trophy, she is a woman. Get it straight.
U should feel lucky that other guys r looking at ur women.

She must b very attractive.

It's just normal for people to look at the opposite sex. It's a natural thing to do.U can't say that if u were to see a women that is attractive r sexy that u not going to look.Ur women caught ur eye didn't she so u do look b/c if u didn't u wouldn't have notice her right.If u really trust her the way u say then u don't have anything to worry about. Did u go through another women hurting u beside her during the time u broke up.It seem like u been through some bad relationships to make u feel this way b/c what man wouldn't want a beautiful women walking by his side.Lay off r she is going to walk out just like she did b4.A women only going to let u push her so far until she decide to walk away and when she do u can't blame no one but ur self.
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