Saturday, August 21, 2010

I really need some relationship advice :(?

ok i broke up with my boyfriend recently, we were going on holiday together and i panicked about whether i loved him enough to go with him.

i got some v bad advice just to dump him and get it over with from 'X' and then i instantly regretted it and when i wanted him back 'X' said it was a really bad idea even though i still loved him. so i met up with him, we talked and realised we both still loved each other. he's gone away now on hols and i still love him, but 'X' keeps telling me that 'eventually you're not going to love him anymore and then breaking up will be 10X harder and he will hate you'.

the trouble is, i love him now. i know i love him now i miss him now that he's on hols and i regret ever dumping him, but i knw that if i ever did not love him then 'X' would be right.

i've always lived for the now and not for the when, but right now i dnt knw what to do.

do i stay with him because i love him now and should make the most of what we have while we still have it, or should i save the chance of possible future pain by ending it... again... just because i 'might' not love him in the future....

i don't know... right now even if in a month, 2 months, or 2 years he doesnt love me, i still want to be with him for whatever time that he does and i knw when the time comes i can appreciate what we had together... becuase it's amazing :)

help me i really need advice that isnt from the dreaded 'X'.

please :)

xxxxxxI really need some relationship advice :(?
sounds like ';X'; is either in love with you himself, or is jealous of your happiness or wants your boyfriend for herself. Don't listen to ';X'; from now on. Go get your boyfriend back, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.I really need some relationship advice :(?
Stay with the guy. There is ALWAYS a chance that you won't love someone in the future. Is 'X' suggesting you stay single for your entire life on the off chance that you might break up with someone if you ever get into a relationship?

Sounds like you already know what you want to do, is this other person's opinion really more important than your own happiness?
hey if you guys really love each other and it's true love then you will get back together just explain everything to him and if he doens't love you move on but if he does then make the best out of it and who knows you guys might even get married you can't always listen to other people.

If you really ';loved'; this guy you wouldn't be listening to the advice of X, you would be doing what YOU want, which is probably to break up with him anyway, since you did it.
Stay with the guy and forget about X, You will be making a mistake and it doesn't sound like this X has your best interest at heart.
Well, honestly, NEVER base your life on mights like that. Stay with him and ENJOY IT as much as you possibly can, and if ';X'; is right and the pain comes... Then hopefully you enjoyed yourself enough to still be able to have happy memories. Yes, you should think of the future, but honestly? You're just choosing between feeling the pain NOW or LATER. Not to mention there's a chance that if you stay with your bf you won't even feel pain later, if everything goes right. Do what you feel like doing, follow your heart, it (your heart) obviously would rather risk the pain if you still love him, don't you think? Don't listen to ';X';, listen to what will suffer the most if it all goes down hill, 'cause that's all that will matter in the end.

I hope I helped. ^_^
In all honesty, the only person you can really rely on for thinking these things through is yourself.

I used to take advice from other people and I acted on it, let me tell you.. I didn't get very far.

I'm about to contradict what I just said but.. I think you should just take things as they are for now, stay with him, enjoy yourself.

Don't overcomplicate things, don't overthink things.

Those are the two mistakes I made, trust me. Just stop, Relax and go with what feels right. If you love him now, then love him now. Not later.
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