Monday, August 23, 2010

Please i need relationship advice?

My boyfriend and i broke up about 2 months aqo over a silly arquement. Then a few days later he called and said he made a biq mistake and wanted 2 be toqether aqain. So i said okayy. Then he stopped callinq %26amp; wouldnt return my texts days after we qot back toqether. I wahs hurt becuhs i really loved him %26amp; idk what i did. Then i went to messaqe him on myspace%26amp; there wahs pics of some qirl and it said that wahs his qf. Now today he texted me randomly explaininq the situation sayinq he is sorry %26amp; that my number qot ';deleted'; and he couldnt qet in contacttt%26amp; the qirl hacked into his myspace. I still love him very much buh idk if i should take him backk %26amp; believe him. Help! thanksss (:Please i need relationship advice?
He said he made a mistake because he was feeling the effects of being sex deprived.

Please, learn how to spell.Please i need relationship advice?
pictures dont lie you saw them together online, and if he really wanted to contact you then he wouldve tried harder , and asked around for your number , leave him and go for someone better . dont let someone insult you like that stop wasting your time and dont give him what he wants
Leave him, if he really wanted to contact you he would find his way. Even if a girl hacked his myspace he could have deleted what she put. He's only stringing you along, leave him and find someone better.
He's a jerk...he's taking u for granted. You deserve better, move on
don't hurt yourself sweety, move on... this guy totally hurts you badly many times. he keeps on explaining about it but still doing it. love yourself okay? the guy doesn't deserve your love and care. there are other guys out there for you to divert your feelings. i know it's hard to do so but you have to do it if you love yourself.
It's a whole bunch of bologna! He is lying to you, he never lost your number he was ignoring you. If he has some other chic on his page calling her his girlfriend and not you. He is seriously playing games. He is playing you and I suggest you move on. How does she know his password? How did she get his phone? You need to ask him those questions.
ignore him for a while and avoide him sooner or later he will come crawling back to you

He is not treating you right.

I think you should get over him. Find someone that will treat you with respect.
that sounds really suspicious to me!!

i think he's a cheater and he came back to you once he was alone again

leave him
well if he broke up with u over a little argument than hes not worth it... don't wast your time on him.. anyway hes prob. lying to u about the myspace thing anyway.

good luck!
It sounds to me like your boyfriend just wants a booty-call. He's just tryin to get some stank for his hang low.
The whole situations sounds shady to me. I know this is something you dont want to hear but if he really loved you he wouldnt have let a silly argument get in they way of you two. He would be dedicated to you even if he didnt like what you had to say. The only way a girl can hack into his myspace is if she had his password. Ask yourself : how did she get his password? Was he sharing it with her? Keep your eyes pealed open. Keep your ears cleared, it sounds like you have to be careful with him because it seems like he's trying to cover up his tracks, maybe he's not the right one. However. if you decide to stay with him, be more cautious and careful the second time around. Look for the warning signs. Is he ignoring you? When you talk to each other does it feel like he has nothing to say to you? Is he reading your messages on myspace but not responding to them? Are you the one whos constantly texting him first in order to get him to talk to you? etc. Just be careful, be safe, and be alert. Good luck.
no, i wouldn't believe that. yeah that girl could have hacked into his myspace but i don't like the excuse he gave to you. i think that you should just forget about him, i know that might be hard. but if he's lying to you then he's not worth it. if he's making you feel like crap and it doesn't seem he loves you then girl he's NOT worth your tears and anybody elses! i hope this helps! Good luck, just follow your heart with this one. :)
i was in a situation similar to this. my ex broke up with me for a day, then later said he 'loved me so much and needed me back' so we went out for another week and he called it quits. i think its because he wanted the sex, all my friends think that too. i was told he was interested in another girl(like ur ex) and he also denied it and said that he wanted to be friends and he still randomly txts me.

If i were u i would set a boundry. you might still love him but he'll hurt u again. don't keep going out with him if he's just gonna break up with u again. GOOD LUCK %26lt;3
take him back nd believe him!!! =]

he just might be worth it ;)

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