Saturday, August 21, 2010

I NEED some relationship advice: getting over the past.?

Hi all, I seriously need help getting over my bf's past relationships :( particularly his past relationship with a BEAUTIFUL girl who does part-time modeling. Their fling lasted about 1 month. We've been together for a year and I'm the only girl he has ever introduced to his parents, but I don't really care about that. We all know guys only really care about looks and that's why it pisses me off when he says I'm prettier than her because I know he's lying. How much do guys lie about this kind of sitution??? I need advice, please :)I NEED some relationship advice: getting over the past.?
Look, you two have been together for a year. They were together one month.

He likes you. He cares about you. NOT HER.

He truely believes in his opinion that you are prettier.

So believe him.I NEED some relationship advice: getting over the past.?
Why do you think he is lying when he says your are prettier? It may be that you have a wonderful personality and a pretty face, not all men (real Men), fall for a pretty face, Stop worrying about this chick and concentrate on your relationship with your man, you have him now, soak up his compliments and stop doubting him, he is trying to boost your low self esteem and insecurities about the relationship. If you continue to say you are not as pretty as his past relationship, then he may just really say ';you know what? your right'; and then he'll be gone. So, stop letting this girl have power in your relationship and enjoy your man's compliments.
he is insecure with himself let him go and find someone else trust me there is better out there and you sound like a smart girl he does not you need u once he lies he will keep lying
this is all on YOU

stop asking about his past relationships

if he brings it up, politely tell him that you don't wanna talk

about his past relationships.

stop obsessing about the past, stop fretting about the future

concentrate on the now
Check out this free E-book on how to achieve and happy and healthy relationship. It really helped me when I had some problems in my relationship.

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