Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does anyone agree with this? a relationship advice..?

This is an question and answer from an article about women attraction to bad boys...The link is below..

Does anyone disagree/agree on the article? Any opinions?鈥?/a>

Q: Is there a way to create bad boy excitement with a good guy?

Pat Love: I always say: It's easier to make a good man hard than to make a hard man good. Friendship gets a relationship to go the distance. Women will say, ';I love him, but I'm not in love with him.'; Or, ';He doesn't stimulate me.'; And I say, ';You have to have a life that does that.'; If you want excitement, then get a good guy and create an exciting life

That one question in particular, was intresting.... any thoughts on it.. do you think that could be a solution as to not to fall for a bad boy type....?

Thanks, CiaoDoes anyone agree with this? a relationship advice..?
I agree with you totally.Does anyone agree with this? a relationship advice..?
I'm a bad one !!
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