Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need relationship advice PLEASE?

so there is this kid, we are really good friends, but he really likes me, and when i found out, i decided i really liked him, and he was supposed to ask me out lat night but he didnt, probably becauuse last night was all really akward.; like there was nothing to talk about. so idk if i like him now, because like i guess we just dont really have that click because it was completelyyyy akward last night. i had no idea what to do. at this point it could go one of 2 ways:

1. i could keep flirting with him and he could ask me out and hope it will get less akward, but we might not be friends after if it doesnt work out..

2. i could sorta give him the hint i dont like him, and he wouldnt ask me out and we could go back to being friends but i'll feel really bad because he likes me alot.I need relationship advice PLEASE?
if you felt really awkward, you probably still like him.. if it were some random person you didnt care about, why in the world would you feel so awkward anyway, right?

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