Thursday, July 29, 2010

A lil relationship advice?


I have started dating a boy from abroad. I do go to where he lives about twice a year to visit my family. He works on the ship and as a result for months at a time I might not hear from him. Unfortunately on the rare occasion when I do fall in love, I fall hard and fast! I have not heard from him since 9th September as he has been working but its driving me crazy, and my feelings are getting more intense than I expected.

Is this normal? What do I do?

Thank you so much for your help, I really need it right now before I loose faith completely!

xxxxA lil relationship advice?
well...u r in love..and its normal...

y wouldnt u get intense for a guy u have fallen in love with...

and y wouldnt he get intense for a girl he has fallen in love with..

try calling or texting his cellphone..tell him u wanna talk...

its ok relax..A lil relationship advice?
Every relationship needs some type of emotional and physical connection. A relationship cannot have one without the other for it to become a long term relationship. Long distance relationships tend to lack both given the lack of time partners are able to spend with each other. If you can only visit him twice a year and are not able to communicate with him on a consistent basis then you shouldn't expect this relationship to go any further than where it is now. But I do hope it works out for you.
do you know the name of the ship, you can send post ahead to ports n stuff if u know the name
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