Thursday, July 29, 2010

Long distance relationship .. advice to make it work & success stories?

I'm in a long distance relationship with a guy I met on facebook.. we go on webcam together and talk on the phone.. he graduates from high school in 2 years and I graduate in 3 years.. we are very very willing to wait 3 years for each other because I am going to university where he is. We are deeply in love with each other, and believe fate brought us together.. I think we are soulmates.. I was wondering if anyone had GOOD advice? Or experience of something similar..? Please only good storiesLong distance relationship .. advice to make it work %26amp; success stories?
Be patient, talk lots. Make plans for the future. Trust each other.Long distance relationship .. advice to make it work %26amp; success stories?
I don;t believe in internet love because it the end it doesnt work out and no success stories. meet someone in real life.

you cant love someone you have never meet im sorry.

people come across the internet differently than in person

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