Sunday, July 25, 2010

I need relationship advice from a girl can you help?

Any advice on my relationship would be appreciated?

i`ve been with my girlfriend for almost a year we met when i was in london she lives in italy and i see her for a fortnight every 2months. Everyday i go to my libary to talk online with her, i write her letters and i record songs i perform for her. But recently i don`t know if it`s because i`ve been away from her for so long but i just feel she isnt making as much effort as i am. The texts from her is getting less and less as well as the emails, but when i say this to her she just makes excuses like she was busy with family matters or whatever. I speak with her mum we have a good relationship, and when i`m feeling down she tells me that my girlfriend is crazy about me but i just don`t think this is true. If i try to explain to my girlfriend that i am unhappy she just says in a nutshell that it is my problem and not hers WHAT CAN I DO?I need relationship advice from a girl can you help?
long distance is failure no matter how hard one tries...move on
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