Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need relationship advice please!?

I am very upset now. I hope I don't sound like I'm rambling. I have a lot to get out. Here it goes. I have been in a serious relationship for two years (October 5th exactly). For most women, they like to celebrate their dating anniversaries, me included. Our first anniversary was short because he was focused on starting a part-time third-shift job on the weekend. So I wanted this year to be better. I asked him two weeks before to see if he could get off from work. When I ask yesterday (September 30th) over the phone he said he forgot. Well, I got upset and expressed my feelings. Then he went in a rage and made me upset and made me feel even worse. This is the problem I have been facing. His anger. Most of the time he is really sweet, tells me he loves me and buys me lot of things (which I appreciate everything he is ever given me). But if I rub him the wrong way, he always overreacts to my concerns of hurt and yells, cusses then storms out or hangs up on me. Back to the story. That same day I called him back and he apologized, then he said he would contact his employer to get the time off, but now he won't have the vacation time for later in the year. He never discussed with me this time off, it has always been vague. The way he said it, it was as if he was punishing me. He wasn't even happy he was taking the time off. When I told him don't worry about it, he said ';No I'm gonna ask off';! He calls me back later that evening and I try so hard to talk to him, but it seems it doesn't help. He starts saying I hardly ever cook for him. He stated that he would come over more later in the evenings after he gets off work, if I would have supper ready. I don't mind cooking for him, but I work too! Some nights I don't feel like cooking anything. Another thing, he works a lot! Along the the part-time third-shift job, he works full-time during the week. He says he wants just one full-time job, but he really hasn't looked to well. He always gets me to look on the internet for him for job openings. I print out a list, but he doesn't touch it until it expires. He always get me to run errands for him. I do his laundry. I listen to him rant and rave about his jobs. I have hear about other women wanted him at his weekend job. He told me one of them exposed her breast at him. He thinks I shouldn't get upset by that. Another thing - I am ready for marriage but I don't thing he is ready. I went out of my way to work extra during the week so I can get off early on Thursdays. That's his only day off. We have always met at my place at 3PM. Well for the past year, he shows up late, up to two hours late. And I can't get mad at that either. Because he will back lash at me. The problem is his anger is worse than the dispute. When he gets that mad, he always wants to leave or hangs the phone up on me. To finish the story, he came over last night and we went to bed (just to sleep). He kept me up all night snoring. I got up and went into the living room to sleep and no sooner than I got comfortable, he came in there. I told him he was snoring. He told me to come back to bed and when I laid my head down, he jumped me (not in yelling mode) that I shouldn't have got up to leave because he didn't know where I was. And if he was snoring I should have elbowed him (note: I have tried that before and got yelled at for waking him up). When I got on the defense, he tells me that he needs his sleep and that he shouldn't have came over in the first place. That hurt me again. When I responded, he bolted out of the bed, got his stuff and left. It is now the next day and he hasn't called me yet. Is this relationship over? Should I call him? Help me! Thanks for letting me vent.I need relationship advice please!?
I think he has a lot on his mind. He may even be depressed. My husband sounds a lot like your boyfriend. HE goes off the deep end over something stupid or gets enraged over nothing. I know my husband is depressed just like your boyfriend, but unless they seek counseling or get on medication-we can't change them. I had 2 kids that he did this to and I used to get really angry back at him. Now that my kids are adults, I won't put up with him. My husband(like your bf) likes a lot of attention, they are very needy and like us to to take care of them, and when dinner isn't ready, even though we work ourselves to death-they have a fit or have a huge problem with it. ( I even mow the yard) My husband has a lot of work issues, he hates his job and I get to listen to him rant about it every waking minute. I understand what you are going through and it is very hard. I wouldn't call him, he is the one that left, let him call! I hope I have helped to let you know that you aren't the only one!I need relationship advice please!?
2 long 2 read
well if his snoring is bugging u now, are u really sure u want to marry him?

You need to get rid of him. He treats you bad and you take it. Don't take it anymore, let him go.

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