Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need relationship advice plzzz?

I am not the type of girl who goes out with a lot of guys, to be more specific, I am already 25 and only have been on 2 dates and had 1 serious relationship.

Anyway, I went on a date recently with a guy I really liked. It was a set up. He was just on vacation here but he lives in another city. We talked, really enjoyed it but then he didn't call until 2 days after and he was travelling already. He gave me his number and email and everything but I don't know if I should contact him again! I don't know if he gave them to me to be polite since we have a friend in common or he wants me to contact him.

I already added him on the chat list but would it be too much to talk to him? Or should I wait for him to talk? I don't want to seem like a stalker.

Plzz help!

Thanks.I need relationship advice plzzz?
he called u 2 days later cuz he doesn't wanna call u directly after he gets to his place..he didn't have a choice he couldn't call u directly cuz u would see him as a needy guy and thought u would dump him..

his other choice was callin u 2 days later at the same time as he was leavin..this 1 was better cuz he would show himself as a higher status person and u would either like him much more or at least he won't show himself as a needy 1 and u there'd be hope..

i say talk to him and get to know him first..I need relationship advice plzzz?
I would just throw a simple hello his way, ';how was your day';, small talk. Nothing wrong with remaining friends, and if he wanted to start/continue a relationship maybe you'll grow into it. you won't look like a stalker unless you start demanding things of him. :3 I would take it slow if I were you, but it might make him more open to ideas if you just conversed normally for a little while, things will happen if you allow them to. You can't question these things, because you can't possibly know the answer,.
take it chilled and think about it, how far away does he live and if it matured into an relationship would u do that traveling. I would say theres no reason why u wud txt or call hime but u could spk through e-mail and chat if u got something to talk about, or wait for him and see what he does lol
Just send him a casual email, ';it was nice to see you, maybe we could do it again next time you're in the area'; kind of thing.

See how it goes.
just go ahead and talk to him he might not want to seem like a stalker he's waiting for you all you should do is start a conversation start it like .....hey hows it going.....that should get the ball rolling
Okay you wouldn't be a stalker.

Just IM him %26amp; say ';Hey.'; %26amp; See where it goes from there.
Looks like he liked you to so don't feel as it be a bother to him i would go for it.Good luck
chat with him a lot
I can see why you have not had much experience.. Your not going to feel like a stalker if u talk to him..

Guys don't know when is too soon or too late to call..

He is probably thinking you are a nice girl but not in his city..

Don't get serious about this guy. in your own head.. and heart.

Remind yourself that it was just a date. And now maybe a Friendship too.

I have a Hard time not being single .. Dating is great.. You do NOT have to sleep with these men to date them .. I find generally people jump into a relationship much too soon. by the 5th date there is usually a reason to not see them (not bad always) like our schedules conflicting..

If u need help with tips about how to get dates .. just let me know.
this is what i would do. I would talk to him online a couple of times casually. Then send him a text asking, ';hey, whens the next ur gonna be in town'; or something showing him u are still interested but not desperate.

nd maybe wait a couple of weeks and give him a ring. U can say something like, ';just wanted to know how u were doing?';

But dont call more then once, let him be the one to call next, and if he doesnt he isnt interested.

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