Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need religious relationship advice?

Please don't respond unless you are actually willing to try and help.

here's my story:

I am a nondenominational christian. i have been all my life. i just got out of a 2 year relationship, and i told myself that the next person i date should be from my church, that way there would be no religious conflicts whatsoever.

i attend a bible study every week, and there are a lot of christians from my church and others churches too. and i met a guy there, and we really like eachother but we told eachother we wouldnt date for a while because both of us just got out of relationships. which is good, because we both want to get to know eachother better. we hang out all the time and he's really cool.

now here is the problem...i am nondenominational christian, but he is apostolic. i didn't have a problem at first, but now i think i might. yesterday he asked me to go out to eat with all of his friends from his church and i got there and was the only one with shorter hair and jeans on. i just felt so out of place. it was crazy and idk if i want to deal with it.

but i really like him, he is a man of christ and god is his everything, just like me, and that is why we have so much in common. i really think we could work out but im not sure if there will be religious conflict in the future.

i guess what i am asking you think it could work out? what is some scriptural basis i could have for not dressing like them..if the subject ever came up? ANY ADVICE AT ALL WILL HELP. i'm just really stuck here...

Thanks to anyone who helps.I need religious relationship advice?
Talk to him about your religious views and see whether you agree on points that you see as important. It's not likely that you will meet someone that you like and agree with on every religious point.I need religious relationship advice?
Nowhere in your account do you mention ';love.';

There will be many you like and many who like you.

Life is too short to waste on conflict of any kind. If you accept someone you just like and do not ';love as life itself,'; you will suddenly wake up at fifty years old and think, ';I'm not happy.';
';Apostolic pentecostal'; denies the Trinity, and denies that salvation is a free gift received only by believing in Jesus. They are not believers. They are unbelievers in a cult.

Avoid dating him. I'm sorry, but you have to
Would it not be possible to just accept and respect each other's difference of ';beliefs';?

Your dress and short hair shouldn't get in the way if you truly admire this guy; but then you did make the decision to date only within YOUR church?
You make up your mind to date only those from your church, and this man is not from your church.

You should be able to figure this one out. It is quite simple. Just go back and apply your rule.
Religion = conflict, everytime.
All that I can say here is ';Love conquers all'; (sorry for that cliche, but it is true!)
If you like him go out, **** the world
I can see that you are very young still so I will try to be gentile But

(and there is always a but) did you actually read your own question? Now it seems to me that if this is not worth dealing with then he obviously means nothing to you.

I am a lot older than you are and am a much different kind of Christian than you but I do put God above all else when ever I can but truthfully my wife is my world and I am hers and it is not a competition with God but a collaboration.

As I read your problem , it has nothing to do with religion and every thing to do with jealousy. You feel out classed.

When you meet the right guy, you will not be able to contain yourself.

What I mean by that is that pathetic little things like this will not even enter into your head , and he will do every thing possible to make sure that you are completely comfortable when you meet his friends and that if you are not then he will leave his friends behind in a second for you.

Love is not a choice , it hits you like a freight train.

If you feel compelled by such stupid questions as this then you should just stay church friends but as for love - move on

Perhaps you are still too young to have a boyfriend.

Take your time , it isn't a race.
The relationship will never work unless you become his slave! He will never accept a women on her own terms and he will never learn to think in a modern manner.

The advise from this heathen Atheist is to dump him like a hot potato and move on with your life.
Do you suffer from Omenosis?

Do you report having visions, prophetic dreams, psychic abilities or experiences, communications with the divine, magical powers, move objects with your mind, personal relationships with invisible people, do you feel ';lucky'; when picking out a lottery ticket, have dreams about magical creatures like devils and gods?

If this is effecting your life in a negative way, i.e you love ';god'; more than your family, indoctrinate your children into your hallucinations, or do things you feel are wrong but your god says is right, if so then you should seek counseling. Don't let your Omenosis effect your family, work, politics, school work, personal relationships, or your compliance with the law! There's help out there if you just ask!
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