Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice, What went wrong?

I just need some advice, the ? isn't what went wrong, just advice is needed. First I'd like to say, anyone who reads this I give you the biggest THANK YOU ever. I'm 17 and I was just bsing around one day and I make a yahoo personal, fill it in completely honestly and really didn't expect to meet anyone because for one, you have to subscribe to talk to people, and two hello its the internet. Anyway, I decide to put my AIM s/n in my profile figuring maybe someone will IM me and haha screw personals charging me money for that ****.. Anyway I really didn't expect to meet anyone on there. So one day I get this IM from a girl who lives actually about an hour away from me (I didn't know this until about 2 weeks after I started talking to her). Anyway we start talking and from day one, we're talking EVERY single day. Literally, whoever wakes up 1st IMs the other and we talk until someone goes to sleep (obviously we're doing other things at the same time but u know what I mean).I need some relationship advice, What went wrong?
There is NO easy advice for this. Girls (and guys, sometimes) are very unpredictable. There could be many scenarios:

1) It wasnt her cousin at all, but her pretending in order to protect herself

2) She's overwhelmed at the fact you two have talked so much, she might think its happening too fast.

3) She sincerely doesnt like your drug use (which is understandable, but still...she kinda freaked out)

4) She just has her period. (likely?) That'd cause things to really screw with her head and she'd act like a blind guy stoned off his ***.

5) She's just doing it for attention.

I can go on and on. The best thing to do is to talk more and try to figure out what she's thinking. Pay attention to the words that she uses. Analyze everything. It'll help, trust me. And be yourself. She was right in saying people shouldn't be forced to change for others. That also means you shouldnt change yourself for anyone, which you've no doubt already realized. But you're only 17, you have your whole life ahead of you. You seem like a really nice guy, and if she doesnt realize that, its her loss in the end. Wow, cliche much.

Anyways, I hope I helped a little.


add me if you want.I need some relationship advice, What went wrong?
Explain all this to her. You really want to meet her and agree to meet in a public place with her/your legal gaurdian or something. Meet like this a few times until you both feel safe to be alone. And then it'll be some kind of relationship. Who knows. Just tell her you're ';sorry. I miss talking to you, and I really want to meet you *insert my suggestion here*'; It's what all girls want to hear...well not only that. You should mean it.
She'll probably contact you when her cousin isn't around. Then you should try to figure out why the tone changed. Maybe she isn't comfortable being herself with her cousin there, or if her cousin was giving her flack about the whole ';how do you know he is who he says he is';thing, maybe she felt pressured. Just my thoughts.

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