Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Urgent help with relationship advice.?

Hi, i am 20 years old my girlfriend is 19. We have been dating for a year and a half. Over this span she has lied to me about a lot of things. We talked about them and set ground rules. Just last night she claimed she was at work and i found out she wasn't that she was with another guy. She didn't tell me and knew she had these plans with him for a day before time. I am really hurt by this. It happened already once in our relationship in 3 months but she said she didn't take it seriously when we first met so that was her reasoning and justification for doing that. Now it's a year and a half in. I've always been loyal and never lied about anything big. This is a dealbreaker. Last night i broke up with her but i love her so much i want it to work out. Will it? She said she did this because she has doubts about us but i don't think you should go do something like that. I asked her if she did anything with him and she claims she didn't so hopefully she is telling the truth. What should i do? I need some advice because i'm confused about whether i should try mending things or be done with it. She cried a lot last night and told me she really cared about me and all that stuff, but i don't really believe it because she knew this was going to end our relationship and still proceeded to do it. Please Help!

ThanksUrgent help with relationship advice.?
She can't b trusted.Do u really want a relationship that's built on lies? If she loved u she would not have gone out with someone else. She will continue to hurt u. She's selfish and self centered. It won't work out in the long run so don't force it to.She's admitted she has doubt and that's probably the most honest thing she's said to u. Mend your heart by dating another and many others.She cried because she got caught again and wants sympathy.I have sympathy but it is 4 u.Don't b a door mat.Urgent help with relationship advice.?
It seems to me that you are really in love with this girl and are willing to take a lot from her but, you must be careful that you are not going to become a useful hanger on depending on her moodswings. It has happened before and it is goinng to happen again. If you are unsure, and I think you are, it might be better for you to call it off. You are a decent guy who deserves a decent girl. One who is faithful and treats you with respect.
I think u should give her a chance...Need time to Understand...As u must know that its easy to fell in Love but very very difficult to fell out of love... Give herone more chance and notice..if she repeats...Tell good-bye 4ever..
jeez buddy! owch!! i feel bad for you, but i know what its like you know to love someone so much and be like oh my God how can i even want to be with them? but i dont know if that's your situation. but if you really, really love her, let her know that if she doesnt straighten up your gone because it sounds like your there for her and all. but if shes hurting you too much, just go. luvs tuff man.

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