Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice...?

I've been casual friends with this guy for a year, we had some classes in high school together (he will be a senior, i'll be a junior) and over the summer we've hung out. I don't think he's been in a real relationship before, and I'm pretty sure he thinks we're dating. I wouldn't consider what we're doing dating, but I do like him. The problem is, I like his best friend. A lot. We have a lot more in common than me and the guy I've been hanging out with do, but I haven't been able to get to know him. I know him through my friend who is his sister. I'm pretty sure that the guy I've been seeing wants a relationship, which is fine with me, but I want to also be able to, at some time or another, pursue a relationship with his best friend. Should I keep seeing this guy casually and risk him thinking I'm putting him on or two-timing him, or should I just cut the ties and have the chance of getting closer to his best friend?I need some relationship advice...?
Break it off with the current guy. If he tells his buddy that you two are an item or anything at all the friend wont even look at you until the current guy is over you. If you let this guy think you and him are something more than friends he will develop feelings and then you wont have a shot with the friend. Don't break his heart and ruin your own chance with his friend!
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