Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A little relationship advice please?

I made out a few time with this guy just before Christmas and it was going really well, he seemed quite into me. However i am the kinda person who likes to know where i stand with people and what will happen. So i asked him where we were heading? He said that he is not sure what he wants but really likes me. He didn't want me to wait around for him to decide though if there was other guys and stuff. He also said that what ever happens he wanted to stay friends. I took a bit of a back step from the whole situation and tried to play it cool. We stayed friends and talk alot as well as walking with each other to work 3 days a week. I really like him through and really want to make this work. I feel like i should of fighted harder for him :[ I dunno what to do and how to go about this? Also i think i could have left it abit too long? We haven't made out since we had that talk...

I really do like him though ... he is all i think about :s

Thanks for your help and adviceA little relationship advice please?
he oviously liked you anough to kiss you more than once. so he must like in some way. (more than just friends)

keep playing it cool, but try to make some moves.

help with mine please.;_ylt=Ak6js.TJtMmMcbHqNLANXqMgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090322123936AAPpaiSA little relationship advice please?
Sounds as though he likes you. Keep some distance for a while don't see him but talk phone text whatever. If he really likes you enough he will make an effort. Problem is can you really just stay friends if that's all he wants. Could there be someone else........???. Ask him then you know where you stand.
why don't you just tell him how you feel?

you said you like to know how you stand with people and what will happen, so why don't you just tell him what you told me %26amp; everyone else on here?

hope that helps!

good luck!
if it was me i would have a talk with him again

just tell him ders no other guys and u really like him and does he wnat a relationship or not

if not den move on maybe keep some distance with him fr sometime so u cna move on

gud luck
you 2 seam like a great couple going through an awkward phase! just take it easy and hope it gets better for you!

best of luck x :)
well personally if you really like him i would wait. but then Again if he is not sure and it take over 3 months then i wouldn't wait for him. i wouldn't talk to him about it anymore you don't want to seem pushy you know? then it will push him away more. just be calm about this and just wait.if it take 3 months to then i would move on fine someone else who will love you for you. and do what he told you to do move on. i mean I'm sorry to say but it sounds like he is not that interested in you that way. if he does maybe he just really not that interested in dating at this moment some people like to be single since there not tied down. just give it time..

best luck to ya =)

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