Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice..?

My g/f and I have been together 6 months. Lately been having a lot of petty arguments. Then this past week shes been kinda quiet, shutting me out. She lived with me just about our whole relationship. But, for this past week like I said she just started shutting me out and barely talking to me. We, prior to these latest skirmishes, have had the best relationship anyone could imagine. She claims she feels she has no control in her life. I know its not on me, becuz i have told her if she wants a job she can, and when I ask her if she wants to goto a friends house she can, but she always just shrugs it off. As far as cheating, theres no way, honestly. Its just she seems so distant. Then finally yesterday I confronted her about why shes been distant, and she said she needed time apart, so shes gone now, but still txting me and telling me she loves me. what do i do, and what should i thin or expect?

please, serious answers onlyI need some relationship advice..?
She sounds like she is very immature and is having trouble deciding which direction she wants her life to take. It is best for both of you that she NOT live with you until she comes to some final conclusions about what she is looking for in a relationship and what she desires in a career and lifestyle choices. It is okay to keep in touch by phone if you want friendship to continue but you should not put your life on hold to accommodate this young lady. Best wishes to you.I need some relationship advice..?
Give her some time, if that's what she needs give it to her. She'll realize what she has hopefully sooner than later and be back before you know it. Don't pressure her, do try to communicate to get to the bottom of the issue though!
Sounds like she is having second thoughts about your relationship. When I first met my boyfriend I thought I met the man of my dreams we would talk on the phone for hours and hours (before we met we talked on the phone for 11 hours) then the next day we met in person and there was not a second that went by that we did not stop talking. Then about a month after we started dating I moved in with him and it seemed like everything changed. He started being quiet and shutting me out and not really talking to me about the things we did talk about. I asked him if he was having second thoughts and he said no. Then the arguments started and it seemed like we argued over stupid things. So then that gets a person thinking like what is going wrong here and sit back and try to think ok what the hell is going on here. Then things would be back to normal for a fews to a month. As far as her needing space that is just a copout there is something going on either an X boyfriend/husband or her friends are putting things into her head. As far as her telling you she loves I think she might but the question she in love with you or does she love you but not in love with you? When I was married I loved my husband but I was not in love with him and that put such a strain on our marriage that I had to leave. Is she using this time away from you to think about your relationship or is she out having a good time with friends? I would not call her or text her back let her think ';why is he not calling me back or texting me'; it will make her think. I hope that helps you GOOD LUCK!
why don't you take her out to lunch, and talk to her.
well just give her some time...but you should really do something big for her when she comes the sex good? make her dinner then lead rose petals to the bathroom with candles everywhere. take a bath together or shower and then lead it to the bedroom...just my opinion...
some times we exert control over our loved ones without knowing it. you need to give her her space and let her go. if she wants distance, give her distance. after a while she will either come to her senses and reconcile with you or she will move on to someone else, but there is nothing you can do but let her play it out without any interferance from you. the more you press her, the more she will recoil from you.
I think you went way too fast. I think you should have dated, not moved in together. I'm not trying to judge you, I just feel that the stress of everyday stuff may have gotten in the way of your new relationship. Plus, she needs to have a job or some type of interests to keep her busy and focusing on herself. She needs to build her self esteem. She may feel like she was boring to you. She probably felt like the newness (which is exciting) has already wore off for both of you. I think she was right in moving out. Not to hurt you, but to bring back the spark. I think going too fast is not good for any relationship. Take it slow. If she is texting you and says she loves you, then she probably does. Don't stress about her leaving. Tell her you understand that it was too much too fast and that you want to take it slow. Take her out on dates, romance her, get that spark back, be interesting,and talk about fun stuff. I wouldn't even talk about her moving out or anything like that. If you really care for her, and I think you do, let her know that she was right and that you want to take it slow. If the two of you are meant to be, it will happen. Good luck, I hope things work out for the two of you. God Bless.
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